Our Process
We know itโs not easy to select the right school for your child. Our admission process makes it easier! The process begins with your visit to our school. Following your tour, if you decide to enroll your child, youโll complete an application.
+ Admissions Process
Step 1 – Submit Inquiry Form
Step 2 – Schedule a School Tour
Step 3 – Complete School Tour
Step 4 – Submit Registration Package
+ Uniforms
Peninsula Montessori School has a mandatory uniform policy Mondays through Thursdays. On these days, students should be dressed appropriately in school colors and approved articles of clothing purchased from Land’s End, our uniform supplier.
Every Friday, or the last day of the school week is a free dress day, and uniforms are not required. Students are still required to dress in a manner that is conducive to our educational environment on free dress days.
School uniform shopping is easy with Lands’ End!
Peninsula Montessori Preferred School Number: 900149436
Go online to landsend.com/school to start shopping right away. Click on “Find my school” to look up your school by our Preferred School Number: 900149436.
Call 1-800-469-2222 and reference your Preferred School Number: 900149436. Our team of consultants is available 24/7 for assistance.
Be sure to sign up at landsend.com/school for email updates from Land’s End.
Can we purchase uniform clothing from any store or does it have to be only from Lands’End?
in order to maintain consistency, we require all uniform clothing to be purchased from Lands’End. You may purchase from our Lands’End link on peninsulamontessori.com or from Sears in the Del Amo mall.
Do we need a school logo on all items of the Lands’End uniforms?
We require the Peninsula Montessori School logo on the shirts only. All other uniform items are optional, including jackets and sweatshirts.
Do we need to pre-pay or reserve after school childcare or is it always available?
We offer childcare starting at 7:30am. We also offer childcare from 3:15pm to 6pm. It is always available. We charge $15 per hour. You will receive a bill at the end of the month if you used any childcare.
When can we meet our child’s teacher for an update on our child’s progress in school?
We offer two formal Parent-teacher conferences per year in December and May. The parents will receive a written progress report at each conference. However, parents may schedule a conference at any time during the school year. The best times to schedule a conference is 8am or after school at either 3:15, 3:30, or 3:45 depending on when each class is dismissed from curb.
When is the tuition due?
Tuition is an annual fee that is based on a 10-month school year. Families pay 10 equal payments from August to May. Tuition payments are due at the beginning of the month from the 1st to the 10th. We accept cash or check.
+ Tuition

Tuition is an annual fee which may be paid in full prior to the start of the fall semester or by paying 10 equal installments of the annual fee from August to May.
All programs are five days a week.
A $150 Activity Fee applies to each student enrolled in Peninsula Montessori school.
Refund Policy for Tuition
Tuition refunds or allowances will not be made for absence from class due to illness or other circumstances.
A thirty day written notice is required prior to the withdrawal of any student from the school.
No tuition credit will be given after April 1, 2025.
Peninsula Montessori School works hard to maintain the highest educational standards for our students while retaining an affordable tuition policy.
There is a $350 Non-Refundable Registration Fee.
School Lunches
- Children should bring their own lunch and snack to school daily, or they may order through the school lunch delivery program.
Tuition is an annual fee which may be paid in full prior to the start of the fall semester or by paying 10 equal installments of the annual fee from August to May.
All programs are five days a week.
A $175 Activity Fee applies to each student enrolled in Peninsula Montessori school.
This is an annual fee which the Montessori Parents’ Association uses to provide extra-curricular activities and events throughout the year.
Refund Policy for Tuition
Tuition refunds or allowances will not be made for absence from class due to illness or other circumstances.
A thirty day written notice is required prior to the withdrawal of any student from the school.
No tuition credit will be given after April 1, 2025.
There is a $350 Non-Refundable Registration Fee.
School Lunches
- Children may bring their own lunches and snack to school.
Peninsula Montessori School works hard to maintain the highest educational standards for our students while retaining an affordable tuition policy.
Experience why our children are HAPPY to learn!
Have A Question?
We tried to think of everything, but if you have a question please let us know! We aim to respond to all inquiries quickly, with our office being open Monday to Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm.
Palos Verdes Campus
Redondo Beach Campus