"Don't do for a child what they can do for themselves."
- Maria Montessori
The Montessori Method boasts a world-class student body with achievement recognized all over the world.
Did you know the youngest Nobel Peace Prize nominee
is a Montessori graduate, the youngest Rhodes Scholar is a Montessori graduate, and the youngest artist to exhibit at the United Nations is a Montessori graduate?
Larry Page Google Founder |
Sergey Brin Google Founder |
Julia Child Chef Author |
Jeff Bezos Amazon Founder |
David Blaine Magician Entertainer |
Sean Combs Media Mogul Rap Star |
T. Berry Brazelton Pediatrician and Author |
Joshua Bell |
Gabriel Garcia Marquez Nobel Prize winner |
Helen Hunt Academy Award Winner |
George Clooney Actor |
Jimmie Wales Wikipedia Founder |
Katherine Graham Owner/Editor, Washington Post |
Anne Frank Author |
Each year, millions of parents make important decisions about their child's schooling. Many, like you, have opted for Montessori as the right path for their children's education.
Hillary Clinton Secretary of State |
David Robinson NBA Star |
Jennifer Granholm Governor of Michigan |
Yo Yo Ma World Renowned Cellist |
Yul Brynnar Actor |
Whether you are considering the Montessori Method as your child's practice of education or you have made the decision, you are in good company.
Check out this selection of accomplished Montessori graduates, and how their work is changing our world.
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