"Don't do for a child what they can do for themselves."
- Maria Montessori
Our philosophy of education is the development of the human being to his or her fullest potential.
Our goal is to provide a nurturing, stimulating and individualized environment, promoting appreciation and respect for self and others, independence, and enthusiasm for learning.
All members of our highly qualified and trained staff are dedicated to the Montessori approach to education and life. Individualized programs are designed in accordance with each child's social and emotional needs, as well as his or her academic and physical development. We wish to collaborate with you, the parents, in a supportive role, in order to facilitate a unified approach to your child's growth and development. It is only through a cooperative effort between the school and the home that your child is assured the highest quality of education.
Explore the differences in Montessori education versus traditional schooling practices in the United States...
Montessori Madness
Superwoman Was Already Here
Maria Montessori
Italian educator and physician
She was the originator of the Montessori method of education for young children and was the first woman to receive (1894) a medical degree in Italy.
The chief components of the Montessori method are self-motivation and autoeducation. Followers of the Montessori method believe that a child will learn naturally if put in an environment containing the proper materials.
"Our aim is not merely to make the child understand, and still less to force him to memorize - but so to touch his imagination as to enthuse him to his inner core."
- Maria Montessori
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